During this time when it’s not advisable to meet in person it’s important to “come together” in whatever way we can to remember our mission.  While we will all miss the fellowship, it’s comforting to know that we are still the same collective group of caring community minded women.  As our world, country, state, counties and towns evolve to address the current events and balance the risks of COVID-19 with the opening of businesses, groups like ours are essential to bring back some normalcy.  We all know that needs have skyrocketed and this is changing the way non-profit organizations operate.  Fundraising events have been postponed or canceled and services are limited.  My $100 is more valuable than before.  So is yours. Our collective donation is more meaningful to an organization this quarter than ever.   We respect that most of you have supported various charities during this crisis but hope that you remember how beneficial our gift is in our community and embrace our alternative selection process for this quarter.

Members, please check your email for more information on how we will be conducting our July meeting.


APRIL 2021

JULY 2021