This is community changing and we can do it together.
100+ Women Who Care Hilton Head Island can significantly impact our local non-profit organizations and make a difference.
Each 100+ Women Who Care member commits for one year at a time. Commitment involves attending four one-hour meetings a year and pledging $100 per meeting to give to selected non-profit 501(c)(3) organizations serving Hilton Head Island.
At each quarterly meeting, three active members will be chosen to make a five minute presentation on their nominated charity. Each presentation is followed by a 5 minute Q&A.
Each member then votes by written ballot for her choice of those three non-profit organizations. The votes are immediately counted. The 501(c)(3) agency with the most votes is announced and each member writes a $100 check directly to that chosen charity. The checks are collected and presented to the recipient in one “gift bag”. This allows the organization to feel the huge impact 100+ Women Who Care can make collectively!